Shay Retouching
These tutorials are from a recent commercial editorial shoot with Shay for the clothing label Essua. Peter only uses 1 light and is able to get 4 completely different looks by changing the placement of the light! This is followed by a tutorial showing how to cull photos down to a 20 image selection and retouching.
4 comments on “Shay Retouching”
amazing, i love the slow shutter speed dragging, it looked phenomenal. thanks
Hi Peter, please let me know how you acquire the focus on Shays eyes and you are able to maintain it when she is moving. To my knowledge the H6D has only a central zone for focus and has no focus tracking.
I enjoyed the whole shooting with Shay. Thank you!
I learn how to manual focus years ago when shooting bands at normally f3.5, so with the Hasselblad with only centre focus point I do mixture of manual and auto focus which means I might focus on Shay automatically on the centre and then chaser her with manual focusing. I’ve had many years of practising this technique so I find it quite easy.
Thank you!