Bucket & Brush Tool
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Digital Workflow
Grading/Selecting Images
History Brush
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Making My Action Set
Move, Marquee & Lasso Tools
Phocus RAW Workflow in Adobe Camera Raw
Photo Mechanic
Photoshop Setup
Digital Workflow
Cutting Layer
Making a Save Action
Converting to Black and White
Phocus RAW Workflow in Adobe Camera Raw
These tutorials cover all the tools Peter uses on Photoshop; how he uses them and why he uses them!
Downloadable Photoshop Actions are available! Click link below video
9 comments on “Phocus RAW Workflow in Adobe Camera Raw”
Is there a difference in behaviour between Phocus clarity and Capture One 20
Clairty in Capture One is more aimed at still life and architecture, it adds sharpness and contrast at the same time. Even though there’s settings that turn down details & textures, it still doesnt create the large format halo effect and makes skin look gross in my opinion, the ACR clarity is closer to Hasselblad clarity.
Is there any advantage in taking a non hasselblad file into phocus to do a B&W conversion?
I know you cannot use the clarity slider or the shadows but you can still access the green channel and curves or is it best just to ACR as here?
I use both, sometimes I find I don’t need to play around with shadows and highlights but I prefer the way I can get the curves and B&W in Phocus. And sometimes I even process the image twice, once in Phocus and once in ACR and make them different layers so I can paint the different aspects of each into the photo
Thank you for your reply, that was my thinking after a play, phocus still has a lot to offer even with some of the functions not working. I wish Hasselblad would make its software available to all raw files even if we had to pay for it.
I’ll pass the feedback on to Hasselblad, would be awesome if they could do something like that.
I see that Adobe have been messing with ACR and have done a major ‘upgrade’ will this change the way you use it?
Nah hasn’t changed the way I use it at all, I retouched a photo yesterday with it, it’s just a different layout.
Good to know. I did have a play and I found the curve to be a little bit smoother but that may just be my imagination lol