Nicole Bag Shoot
Nicole and Peter have been working together for over 12 years, and 3 year ago they decided to work on a conceptual series together and do an exhibition. This tutorial is not a lighting tutorial, but about posing and Peter having a peter having a vision and directing the model to get that look. If you want to see lighting for this shoot please click here.
9 comments on “Nicole Bag Shoot”
Very Interesting to see you work here as it is different than your recent tutorials.
Most of your recent tutorials have been more about the emotion in the eyes of the model whereas this is more about the shape and concept of the image which I see more on your personal work than on your commercial stuff. It was good to see how your mind works when using a prop like the bag.
On a future note, while you are in lockdown can you do a tutorial of how you create the destroyed jeans that appear in many of your images, you have touched on it a couple of times but never actually shown how you do them. Thank you
Thanks heaps Richard, in future I’m hoping to do more of my personal work and show tutorials & BTS but I’m struggling to find models to work with for my crazy conceptual stuff. But yeah I like working with both emotion and shapes, they’re very different but but both enjoyable.
We’ve had the request for a jeans tutorial a lot but they way they are shredded is very unsafe, so I’m scared to make a tutorial on it as I don’t want to be liable for someone hurting themselves, but I still might do it and just include a huge disclaimer haha
Hey Peter . Great shoot.
Do you have the video of the shoot that you did with Nicole at the beach????
Want to see your process on that shoot for natural light etc
i saw the 1 minute spot of that shoot on the beach but dont see that shoot on here
Hi James, thanks so much. No sorry I don’t have a video of Nicole on the beach, but we filmed a beach tutorial last week that I am editing at the moment which will be up soon. We filmed a natural light outdoors with Rara yesterday and are planning another beach trip in the next few week too.
Oh Goodie !!!lol .
And I mean that sincerely because I love-love-love seeing you in action on your outdoor beach shoots.
Breathtaking locations completely absorbing to watch
Intriguing to what you work through the process of getting the poses you want and communicating with her to make adjustments. Thank you for sharing this
No worries Taylor, glad you enjoyed this
I kept thinking what you wanted was Verushka in the film Blow-up, except naked and with a hostage bag.
Nicole wasn’t nude?