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What Lenses Should I Carry

Peter carries a lot of lenses with him and started to question himself why he carries so many of them, so while we were at the beach with RaRa he found a nice bit of shade and a textured rock wall and shot her in the same place with all his lenses. By having the textured wall and keeping her in the same spot, he was then able to analyse the images from each lens to decided if he needs to be carrying all of them or why he would only bring certain lenses on certain shoots.

9 comments on “What Lenses Should I Carry

  • Good session Peter. Certainly something i could do with my lenses to ascertain my prefered usage. It’s currently guess work and I’m zooming with my feet with the small collection of manual primes I have, but still, I have no definative. Doing this exercise would bring some clarity.
    Loved your close- ups with the 100m Otus and the 135mm.
    Have you redone this now with the Leica with any difference to the ease of focusing for those that were not quite cutting it with the Sony? ( I have the A7r3 too so kinda hoping it wasn’t the camera 😉


  • coussement.michael says:

    Hi Peter. Love these kind of videos. If you had to choose between a 70-200 F2.8 or a 135mm F2, what would your pick be? The 70-200 is definitely more flexible, but with the prime you get a bit more light, blur and maybe it forces you to be more creative. It’s a tough one for me.

  • Dean Collette says:

    Terrific tutorial and very interesting results. I’ve noticed a lot of your photos have a razor sharp focus with a blown out background to direct your viewer into the shot as you choose. Do you ever use a 90 or 100mm macro lens for more of that effect? Maybe not for fashion but maybe in an artistic sense?

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