Polishing The Model

Once Peter get’s things right he always trying to make it better – which is what he calls ‘polishing’. In this 3 part tutorial he shows you how he does this with the lighting, the model, and the retouching. And if you can make each of those 3 sections of your photo 10% better, you have over all added a 30% increase to your photo.

4 comments on “Polishing The Model

  • Mark Kolesar says:

    Having photographed Bec thousands of times, and because you are so used to shooting together, can you really expect to get a new look or expression that you have not captured before? The differences you perceive may be so subtle that the casual observer of the finished photo may not see what you see. But does it really matter if you get a great shot, even if it’s not exactly the subtle different look you may have been looking for?

  • Am involved in watching this. This is great in terms of Peter working the shoot for a different look …. However, watching this the professionalism of Bec is coming to the fore. Responding to Peter, aware of his ploys, and then, finding something else, just as Peter is searching for. BUT!! The question is for BEC, what do you do? You respond to Peter, laugh, ignore him, think different things. But BEC, what do you do? Is it thoughts – or movements that come first, ie strengthening core, elongating, neck out and chin down – the posture things causing you to mentally refocus – or is thought coming before the movement. Is moving your hair the time to quickly find your reset? So am asking this as I learn to work with models not as experienced as you …Can you give a talk on what you have learned about posing – and the triggers you use to reset?

    • Thanks so much Max, I usually come up with a story in my head or we usually have music on that helps me have a story which then I adjust my expression and posture to suit. I play with my hair or look away to reset once I feel myself getting tight in the jaw or flat in my eyes and need to change something up.

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