Finding the Light

This video has been put together to teach you how Peter works in ugly locations; how he sees light, how he understands it, and how he uses it. Most importantly, how easy it is to do this yourself, in any location.

This tutorial also includes 2 retouching tutorials!

Model: Tanya Alijani
Camera: Sony a7rii
Zeiss Otus 85mm f1.4
– Zeiss Otus 55mm f1.4
– Zeiss Milvis 135mm f2

14 comments on “Finding the Light

  • Great video!
    How do you choose a location for a real client?
    Do you inspect a place at different times of the day to see the light? What’s your process?

    • Rozanna Nazar says:

      I agree! It takes time, but I think this particular technicque that Peter’s teaches completly changed the way I take photos. It is so easy to miss, but also easy to perfect 🙂

  • stewartd58 says:

    Loving the shoots
    Q. What setting were you getting in the car park, and is shooting with the tripod not more restricting. I assume the shutter speed wasn’t that low.


  • maikel.marrero says:

    buenas maestro muy buena enseñanza trabajar con la luz natural.¿ recomienda mejor la luz de la tarde ? como busco mejor la luz encontra luz o frontal ,lateral?

    • Muchas gracias. La luz del atardecer está bien, pero tiene un aspecto determinado y solo la tiene por un corto período de tiempo. Durará unos 20 minutos pero será perfecto. Con la luz del atardecer, es mejor iluminar el modelo desde el frente o hacer una silueta desde atrás. Prefiero comenzar una sesión de luz natural a las 10 a.m. porque tendrá luz utilizable hasta las 2 o 3 p.m.

  • So each time you move her to different spots are you re-metering on the fly ??

    The ability to quickly do that could only be learned from constant deliberate practice ….correct?

    • Not necessarily, I don’t need to re-meter unless the clouds change, becausee the sun is the sun and the shade is the shade. You can re-meter each time but it’s not needed unless the sun changes a lot, with zebraing in the view finder I can see whats cooking and not and adjust my exposure without re-metering.

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