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Shay Day Two

Following on from the ‘Shay Day One’ BTS, on the second day of Shay and Peter playing around in the studio they did a fashion editorial going through a bunch of different looks using the one light with a collapsed umbrella, as Peter is still experimenting with the various looks he can get out it.

5 comments on “Shay Day Two

  • David Garcia Pastor says:

    Many thanks for this video.
    It has bro brought my attention a lot, the 2nd mentioned shooting mode: “Sometimes I will purposely just shoot at little bit out sync with her, just so I can get in between pose shots”, in the minute 5:35. In music terms I think we would say: “out of time”.
    I think there is a lot of value shooting between poses because the images are not “completed”, in the senses that the action hasn’t been “completed” yet. And an image that is not completed have to be completed …by whom? By the consumer. This means that the consumer, in some way, is “forced” to complete the action … where? In his mind. The consumer was not in the photo session, but the consumer is involved (engaged) with the image, because I think we always try to solve (or complete) situations to understand them. I think, if a photographer manages to “activate” the mind of the consumer (even by “forcing” him to complete the action) the photographer will have succeeded.
    (PS: I hope that you don’t consider my way of thinking is too weird)

  • Peter Vives says:

    Shay is magnificent, her moves, mood, eye and body language are right on!!! What a fantastic relationship you have with your models, they work appears to be effortless, which I am sure is grueling yet straight from the heart!!! Thank you!!!

  • Christopher Polubinski says:

    Love watching the two of you work together. Shay’s such a pro at giving something different every single time, and your timing with the shots is impeccable. It’s really something I need to work on, because I’m still very much a “hold that pose… click. hold that pose… click” type of photographer, I know it’s holding me back, and I’m not sure how to break free from it.

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