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Bec’s Rant

Hi guys! While Peter was away I thought that maybe a rant from me answering a few questions I get asked pretty regularly,  both business/ assistance focused and modelling.

45 comments on “Bec’s Rant

  • Thanks Bec. Some great insights here. Icon – Mannequin, never thought about it that way but really crystalises the point. – really helpful thanks


  • Your solo “rant” was really enjoyable to watch and educational at the same time- thank you, Bec! Wouldn’t mind more of these, you provide valuable insights on your own.
    Just a thought – have you tried messaging models as yourself? You mentioned that you’re texting them as Peter. I imagine that popular models get tons of requests from photographers, but how often are they approached by a girl who is more on their side of business and understands their point of view? I’m thinking about still using Peter’s account, but starting a conversation like “Hi, I’m Bec, Peter’s PA…” to try and create a different kind of connection.
    P.S. Your Slayer shirt covered in cat hair gave me a cosy feeling, like listening to a friend – someone really skilled in her profession, but not placing herself on a pedestal, just sharing the knowledge and experience 🙂

    • Thanks so much 🙂 I will definitely be doing some more rants!
      I’ve tried messaging models from my account in the past and remember one instance that she didn’t see my message because it went to the ‘requests’ area, but she was following Peter so she would have seen it if I messaged off his account and by the time she saw my message we weren’t in London anymore :'( haha, so now I just use Peter’s account because some of the time they are already following him.
      And yeah oops I should have de-fluffed my shirt before filming this lols, glad you enjoyed it!

  • Thanks Bec, great rant, you should do more. A model’s perspective is very enlightening. Much beautiful imagery comes from the icon style of shooting Peter does with you and the others we see on Inspire. Thanks again.

  • Thanks, Bec. Just know it was useful ! I agree with Ron : “Icon – Mannequin, never thought about it that way …” is something I’ll share with models going forward. And, yes, finding models continues to be a challenge ! Take care of you !

  • coussement.michael says:

    This was great Bec, thanks! It’s always great hearing that the way I work myself seems to be the right one. Finding it out on my own as I go along, so feels good to hear it confirmed from time to time! Keep it up, you both do an awesome job at all of this!

  • cameronjohnsphotography says:

    Thank you for the rant! I too am finding that shoots for OF is the only style I can do that will get the models to turn up- talk to me. I thought that might be just because of my location but maybe thats the trend at the moment.

    • Definitely think it’s a trend at the moment! So many girls I know are starting to do OF for some extra money on the side & want some professional shots for their content rather than just iphone photos

  • Paul Stevens says:

    Thank you so much for the informative rant, Bec! I use Peerspace and have come across the same issues you have with the place being smaller than it looks in the pictures do to them using a wide angle lenses….lol. Also with IG trying to contact models to shoot with and not having them reply back! I did let it bother me at first but learned to take it with a grain of salt and not sweat it! Keep up the great work and look forward to your next rant!

  • Models not responding

    I wrote several articles about it on my facebook. I thought it only happened to me, because I’m not a well known photographer. But I regularly need models for my workshops or just for shooting. And so mostly the models can make some money. I really can’t understand why models don’t react

    But I can hardly imagine if you get a message from a well known photographer, like Peter, you don’t react.

    Btw: I liked your video!
    Looking forward to see you again in June this year

    Keep up the good work

  • Great info Bec and so true. You and Peter are a great team and your insights working both sides of the camera are invaluable.

    I was the one who called about and spoke to Peter a week or so ago to inquire about your experiences with a certain model Peter knows well who I am thinking about using for a sunscreen campaign we are doing.. I contacted her agent in Los Angeles as you suggested in the background of the call and had a very good experience.

    The funny thing I often experience is that the bigger agencies like WME, Women, and Click do respond rather promptly for me whereas it is often the smaller agencies who do not. It seems like it would be the opposite but it seems the bigger agencies are working harder to get their models jobs. Sometimes the smaller agencies are just selling the dream of being a model, selling them lessons. charging for headshots, etc.

    Often times if I am introducing myself to an agent for the first time I will include my IMDb page, our company reel, and perhaps some recent work whether film or photography to let them know this is what we do full-time and that they are not wasting their time. Doesn’t always work but it has seemed to improve my odds.

    It is reassuring that even you and Peter get ghosted by models and agencies but they are the ones losing out.

    Thanks again for all you bring to Peter’s show. I hope to see you and Peter in the USA later this year.

  • Richard Stevens says:

    Studio rental Bec mentions is, and equipment rental is at This company is in the UK. I’ll post any I find in the US, or if you have a list, please share in the comments.

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